Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Title: Highly Automated Vehicles for Intelligent Transport


  • Defi: Intelligent vehicles and mobility services

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: February 2008 – July 2011

  • Coordinator: Siemens AG, Siemens VDO Automotive (Germany)

  • Others partners: DLR (D), VW (D), IFSTTAR (F), ICCS (GR), EPFL (CH), USTUTT (D), VTEC (S), EFKON (A), KB (H), Ibeo (D), SVF (F), UAM (D), BME (H) ...

  • See also: http://www.haveit-eu.org

  • Abstract: HAVE-IT aims at the realization of the long-term vision of highly automated driving for intelligent transport. The project will develop, validate and demonstrate important intermediate steps towards highly automated driving. The results offer a high potential for exploitation within 3-7 years after HAVE-IT. In the longer term they also form the ideal basis to integrate further next generation ADAS and drivetrain components that offer highly automated functionalities.

  • Title: Cooperative Intersection Safety


  • Defi: ICT for cooperative Systems

  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

  • Duration: June 2008 – May 2011

  • Coordinator: Ibeo Automobile Sensor GmbH (Germany)

  • Others partners: BMW F+T (D), IKA (D), NEC (UK), SBH (D), TRW (UK), UTCLUJ (R), VTEC (S), VIT (FL), VW (D), Ibeao (D)

  • See also: http://www.intersafe-2.eu

  • Abstract: The INTERSAFE-2 project aims to develop and demonstrate a Cooperative Intersection Safety System (CISS) that is able to significantly reduce injury and fatal accidents at intersections. The novel CISS combines warning and intervention functions demonstrated on three vehicles: two passenger cars and one heavy goods vehicle. Furthermore, a simulator is used for additional R&D. These functions are based on novel cooperative scenario interpretation and risk assessment algorithms.

  • Title: ITSSV6 : IPv6 ITS Station Stack for Cooperative Systems FOTs


  • Defi: IPV6 ITS Station Stack for Cooperative Systems FOTs

  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

  • Duration: February 2011 – January 2014

  • Coordinator: INRIA (France)

  • See also: http://cordis.europa.eu/fetch?CALLER=PROJ_ICT_TEMP&ACTION=D&CAT=PROJ&RCN=98319 (temporary link)

  • Abstract: ITSSv6 aims at developing a reference open-source IPv6 ITS Station stack available to European and national third parties (projects, industry and academia) using IPv6 for Internet-based communications in Field Operational Tests (FOTs) of Cooperative Systems. The IPv6 networking capabilities of the ITS Station under standardization at ISO TC204 WG16 (CALM) and ETSI TC ITS are extended with additional IPv6 features required for operational deployment of Cooperative Systems i.e. enhanced performance, embedded security, remote management of deployed systems and ease of configuration. New features and their perfect integration within the ITS Station architecture (particularly ITS Station management and ITS Facilities) are specified. The project takes as an input the FP6 CVIS core communication software and additional modules developed by FP7 GeoNet. It produces an enhanced IPv6 ITS Station stack adapted to operational use in large scale FOTs to the benefit of a variety of Cooperative Systems applications which require Internet communications (road safety, traffic efficiency and infotainment types of applications).

  • Title: DRIVE C2X – Accelerate cooperative mobility


  • Defi: Driving implementation of car 2 x communication technology

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: March 2011 – February 2014

  • Coordinator: DAIMLER AG (Germany)

  • See also: http://www.drive-c2x.eu/project

  • Title: CityNetMobil


  • Instrument: Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

  • Duration: August 2008 – July 2011

  • Coordinator: Centro for Transport and Logistic (CTL) – Roma (Italy)

  • Others partners: GEA Partners (CH), POLIS (B)

  • See also: http://citynetmobil.org

  • Abstract: Will our cities become more and more congested, polluted, and unsafe, or is there a way to reverse this trend? One new idea for urban transport is small automated low-polluting vehicles for driverless transport in cities. But can such novel systems solve mobility problems in any city? Can they be integrated into the urban structure and conventional transport networks? How would users react?

    CityNetMobil is a three-year EC FP7 support action with the specific objective of helping cities answer these questions. The project began on 1 September 2008 and will run until 1 September 2011.

    The project invites all interested cities to join a group of cities sharing an interest in advanced transport systems.

  • Title: Towards Advanced Road Transport For the Urban Environment

  • Type: IP

  • Instrument: COOPERATION

  • Duration: May 2007 – December 2011

  • Coordinator: TNO-Eindhoven (Netherlands)

  • Others partners: DLR (D), DITS (I), CRF (I), ULTra (UK), ITS Leeds (UK), EPFL (CH),...(35 partners)

  • See also: http://www.citymobil-project.eu

  • Abstract: Citymobil is a major research, development and demonstration project. it addresses the integration of automated transport systems in the urban environment. Integration based on real-life implementations of the automated transport system of 3 sites is the focus. There is a total budget of > 40 million euro.

  • Title: Personal Intelligent City Accessible Vehicle System


  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

  • Duration: August 2009 – July 2012

  • Coordinator: Univ. of Genoa (Italy)

  • Others partners: UCL (UK), UNIPI (I), MAZEL (E), ZTS VVU (SK), TCB (P)

  • See also: http://www.dimec.unige.it/PMAR/picav/

  • Abstract: PICAV is a new mobility concept for passengers ensuring accessibility for all in urban pedestrian environments. It is also a new transport system that integrates a fleet of PICAV units. Some of its features are specifically designed for people whose mobility is restricted for different reasons the main drivers of PICAV design are: ergonomics, comfort, stability, small size, mobility dexterity on-board intelligence, assisted driving, eco-sustainability, parking, vehicle/infrastructures intelligent networking. PICAV system usefully integrates the existing public transport system to make it become more accessible for older and disabled people by acting as a smooth link between walking, bicycle and conventional public transport.

  • Title: City Alternative Transport System


  • Instrument: Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP)

  • Duration: January 2010 – December 2013

  • Coordinator: Lohr Industrie (France)

  • Others partners: CTL (I), EPFL (CH), TECHNION (IL), GEA (CH), ERT (F), and the cities of Formello (I), Strasbourg (F), Ploiesti (R)

  • See also: http://www.cats-project.org

  • Abstract: CATS' aim is the full development and experimentation of a new urban transport service based on a new generation of vehicle. Its major innovation is the utilisation of a single type of vehicle for two different uses: individual use or semi collective transport. This new transport service is aimed at filling the gap between public mass transport and private individual vehicles.

  • Title: Seamless Aeronautical Netzorking through the integration of Data links Radios and Antennas


  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: October 2009 – September 2013

  • Coordinator: Selex Communications (Italy)

  • Others partners: ___PARTNERS???___ Organisme, labo (pays)

  • See also: http://www.sandra.aero/

  • Abstract: The SANDRA concept consists of the integration of complex and disparate communication media into a lean and coherent architecture that provides and manages seamless service coverage across all airspace domains and all aircraft classes. The SANDRA validation activity will show the ability of the proposed integrated architecture to easily reconfigure and adapt for the flexible implementation of new communication services.

Major European Organizations with which Imara has followed Collaborations

  • University of Murcia (Spain)

  • After a first contact established at the Mobile IST Summit in summer 2007 with Antonio F. Gómez Skarmeta, a PhD student from University of Murcia (José Santa Lozano) was hosted by IMARA for 3 months. He studied our communication architectures and realized some performance evaluation of our communication system using our in-vehicle testbed. The evaluation tools developed during this work will be used again to evaluate forthcoming results on geographic networking.

  • University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain)

  • a new collaboration started between IMARA and the Robotics Lab of the University of Carlos III especially with the visiting Professor Jorge Villagrá. Since his research interests include nonlinear and optimal control for automotive applications, nonlinear estimation, and robust networked control systems in robotic applications, IMARA started a collaboration with him in these fields. A first result of this cooperation was the hosting by IMARA of a PhD student from this university: Joshue Perez Rastelli spent 3 months at IMARA. He studied our activities in control-command for mobile vehicles and contributed in the AMARE project. In March 2012, he will integrate IMARA in a Post-doctoral position.

  • University of Roma La Sapienza (Italy)

  • IMARA and the Centre of Transport and Logistics of the University of Rome La Sapienza have been close partners in several European projects (Cybercars, CityMobil, CityNetMobil...). We have shared interests in cybercars and in the design of new transportation models and systems in general. Early 2011, Professor Adriano Alessandrini spent 3 months at INRIA in our team. His stay was the opportunity to organize a number of events and showcases and to prepare a common proposal for a new European project that was submitted late 2011. This collaboration seem to be very fruitful for both parties from the scientific point of view. We believe this relationship will be a permanent relationship between these institutions.

  • Technical University of Sophia (Bulgaria)

  • IMARA is conducting a close partnership with the Technical University of Sophia (Department of Mechanical Engineering). Since 2009, Professor Plamen Petrov has been a visiting professor at INRIA. He contributed in conducting common advanced researches with IMARA researchers in the field of dynamic modeling and adaptive motion control for vehicles and robots. Joint works have been also driven to develop and validate platooning concepts for normal speed driving of automated vehicles. This collaboration will continue with further scientific challenges to tackle especially in the field of vehicle control and motion planning.

We also maintain longstanding bilateral relations with the following centers:

  • Imperial College (E. Gelenbe);

  • University of Oxford (J. Martin);

  • The Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (ICCS) of the National Technical University (NTU) of Athens, Greece.